The best laid plans.

The best-laid plans – I made a conscious decision to start eating healthy and taking care of my self. I am a big planner, so took out my note pad and started scribbling. What I would eat on what day and how many times I would go running. I also prayed about it, for God to keep me motivated, because I had tried this too many times to count and I always ended up back to were I started. I was doing well for months, and then a few cheat meals got me off track. And was on vacation and made excuses to my self, now that I am back I am trying to go back to were I was. So I made a plan last night on what I would eat, something healthy of course but ended up having a cheese omelet (extra cheese) and sausage for breakfast. Instead of the intended smoothie and please do not ask what I had for lunch. Oh and was supposed to go for either a run or hiking in the morning with a friend and I am sure you have guessed what happened.

So what happens when the best laid plans never materialize, not just plans about eating healthy, exercising and habits that need to be stopped. It might be a financial plan that you had, saving a certain amount of money or an investment plan. What ever plans you had made that never made it from the sketchbook. I do not know about you but to me it is infuriating and disheartening sometimes. I bumped into a list of things I wanted to have achieved before my 29th birthday and wow I was disappointed in my self. What had happened was my first thought, because the person who had made these plans was motivated and on fire. What changed, how could I have forgotten about all these plans? The truth is I never forgot I got too comfortable with were I was and always saying I will do it tomorrow. Forgetting that tomorrow never comes.

Recently I have been asking God to light up a fire under me so I can get up and go. Make me so miserable with were I am that I want to move. To be so miserable, that I will start walking in his purpose for me. There is a book that has not been finished that I need to finish, so many stories that were started but never finished. Business ideas and projects that I need to see to the end. So get those lists out it never too late.

My prayer for anyone today is get up and move, pray that the same zeal you had when you made those plans be revived 10 times more. A few weeks ago at church the pastor said “we need to stop waiting for God because he has already answered our prayers and is waiting for us to move.” You have prayed about this project or these plans for years, months, weeks or hours.

Its time to step out in faith.

Joshua 1:9 Have i not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

This verse speaks to me, when I look closely as to why I have not made moves on my plans. The word fear keeps coming up to the top. Fear of failure, but if the Lord is with me, what shall I fear? Do not let fear cripple you to be point of not going after what you want, do not settle because of fear. I want to challenge you to look back at all those plans you made, your ideas book or dream boards and see the plans you had made for your life. Ask God to revive the zeal you had in the beginning and this time without fear, start moving in faith. Stay blessed and remember God loves you.

One thought on “The best laid plans.

  1. Not only fear destroys the best laid plans, but overthinking and over-analysing things. if you have an idea get up and do it. strike while the iron is still hot so to speak. inject practicality into it. there is a reason why you thought of that idea. Action it! i also have had great plans but most never make it outside the brain . and my downfall is not actioning my ideas. Great blog !!

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